Welcome to Sav-On Driving/Traffic School

Welcome to Sav-On Driving/Traffic School, the online traffic school that will mask that ticket fast! Online, Classroom, Home Study Traffic School is an affordable way to mask your traffic ticket.

Sav-On Driving/Traffic School is the easiest online traffic school with our website leading you through the program every step of the way. You can reference all sections and chapters at any time, helping you to find answers to questions you may have difficulties with. We keep you on track at all times, and after all the sections are completed, you may access the final exam at any time.

At Sav-On Driving/Traffic School, each quiz is scored immediately and when you successfully complete the course (including passing the final exam), we will electronically report your completion directly to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

We guarantee you will be completely satisfied with Sav-On Driving/Traffic School and assure that your ticket will not impact your driving record. Choose one of our Easy and Fun Courses.

New Course
Mature Course
We've gone mobile!
Our course is now available on most mobile devices. We now offer more freedom to access the best course California has to offer.
Secure registration
We provide a secure and safe site for your course registration. It utilizes 100 bit encryption over a private connection.